Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I like to post pictures usually because I always have them to go along with what is going on. This, however, is going to be a pictureless post. Why? because I simply don't have any to go along with what I'm thinking. I have been subjected to the harsh reality that my two year old now requires a lot more attention from me than I previously thought. What happens when her three entertainers head off to school, mom must step in. I was so caught up in the fact that the older three would be gone all day and what would I do with all my time. I now know. I had already planned to start the potty training adventure and hope to have that completed in a week or so(she is soooo ready).
It has also come to light in the last week that I have absolutely no life of my own. Now I know that that is what happens when you are a mom but I was looking at my previous posts and realized they are ALL about my kids in one way or another:) And how sad that even when I try I can't come up with anything real interesting to post. I know that I like to see pictures and read about other peoples kids, but I must apologize to those who don't. My goal now is to come up with something interesting to do (with Cass of course). Any ideas?


Sadie said...

Shannon, don't feel bad. I'm in your position too. We should get Cass and Ryder together and watch them torture each other. It might be fun for about 5 minutes. No really, I have a few ideas. I'll have to call you. And good luck with the potty training... We've been sorta kinda doing that.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

I have something for you to do...:) Go to my blog you have been TAGGED! hehe:)

Natilie said...

Jake and I spent a lot of time at Wal-mart, or Target, or the fabric store. It totally blew!